Sunday, June 19, 2011

Mitch Daniels, Architect of US Debt Crisis

by Robert Parry Link

May 14, 2011

To hear Official Washington tell it, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels is the new “serious” Republican presidential contender. He’s praised as a “fiscal conservative” who isn’t obsessed with the Right’s divisive social agenda nor marred by the crazy “birther” conspiracy theories.

Mentioned only in passing is a key fact that – in a saner world – would disqualify him from holding any government office: Mitch Daniels was President George W. Bush’s original budget director in 2001.

In other words, the “fiscal conservative” Daniels oversaw the federal budget as it was making its precipitous dive from a $236 billion surplus – then on a trajectory to eliminate the entire federal debt in a decade – to a $400 billion deficit by the time he left in June 2003.  

Indystar - Bio 

Wiki Link
Editor's note: this page will be updated Link - GOP Governors
Mitch Daniels Natal Yod: Jupiter 29 Capricorn, Pholus 29 Capricorn, Saturn 29 Leo, Regulus 29 Leo, Pallas 26 Gemini, Uranus 27 Gemini
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels says he'll make one last push for government reforms
Gov. Mitch Daniels said Thursday he will support a "right-to-work" measure in his final legislative session as governor
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels is sharing war stories with his fellow Republican governors. 
Daniels plans to spend Wednesday and part of Thursday at the 2011 Republican Governors Association meeting in Orlando. His office said Tuesday he plans to talk about lessons from his seven years in office and public-private partnerships.

Daniels' policies have frequently been emulated by other Republican governors including Wisconsin' Scott Walker and Ohio's John Kasich.
Indiana Race On One of the highest profile governor’s races in the country in 2012 will take place in Indiana where Governor Mitch Daniels(R) is leaving office after two terms.
Congressman Mike Pence(R) is expected to face former House Speaker John Gregg(D) in a contest that should attract national attention from a Washington based press corps familiar with [...]
November 30, 2011
The Republican Governors Association has named Indiana's Mitch Daniels the policy chairman of its public policy committee.
Daniels' policies have frequently been emulated by other Republican governors including Wisconsin' Scott Walker and Ohio's John Kasich. He says that with 29 Republican governors across the nation now, the group decided to have a "more prominent voice on national issues."

Daniels also says the policy committee will begin a program of what he calls "innovation matchmaking" to allow Republican governors to learn from each other.

The Supply Sider's DebtVideo Link

Video - The Economy in less than two minutes 15 seconds Link  

Video Link - Who Will Stand Up  - Uncle Sam Needs You  

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